What CMS Pulse Oximeters Are Used For

By Georgia Diaz

CMS pulse oximeters are medical gadgets that help medical professionals determine, somewhat indirectly, if a patient is getting enough oxygen. The devices clip onto the finger, the earlobes or, in infants, a foot. What they actually measure is the amount of hemoglobin that is fully loaded up with oxygen. In most people, this figure should be at least 95% or more.

It really is fascinating that a simple instrument can take a measurement down to the molecular level without being stuck underneath the skin. This isn't the place to go into the smoke and mirrors physics, but it is something to do with absorbing light. Somehow, the machine to which the oximeter is attached can calculate the concentration of oxygen circulating in a patient's arterial blood.

While this technology can reveal the oxygen saturation of a person's hemoglobin, it is at best an indirect means of finding out how much actual oxygen is circulating in the bloodstream. To measure this directly, it is necessary to sample the blood passing through the arteries in real time. This involves placing a needle into an artery.

This is a painful and invasive procedure and there needs to be a good reason for collecting this information. Patients who have their arterial blood sampled while they are awake describe the sensation as akin to having a needle stuck directly into their bone. Unfortunately, because one of the circumstances in which this information is important is while a patient is under an anesthetic, so the poor patient has to have the needle inserted while they are still awake.

A pulse oximeter may also be used for research purposes, for example, during sleeping studies. These investigations are performed when a patient is suspected to have a condition called sleep apnea. People with this type of disorder are unable to breathe, sometimes for dangerously long periods, while they are sleeping. This can result in stroke, heart attack or even death. At best, it can leave people foggy headed and tired the next day.

There are two main types of sleep apnea, obstructive and neurological. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the more common of the two and is also the easiest to treat. Therapies include surgery, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or prescribing a device that the patient puts in their mouth when they go to bed that helps them to keep their airway open.

Central, or neurological sleep apnea, is less common and harder to treat than OSA. Instead of stopping the breathing process, the brain doesn't attempt it. There is often a serious condition underlying neurological OSA that affects the brain stem. This is the brain area that is responsible for breathing and heart rate. Neurological sleep apnea can happen by itself or in combination with OSA.

The biggest risk factors for sleep apnea are being overweight, male gender or being over the age of 40. However, sleep apnea can happen to anybody. Some small babies can stop breathing for as long as 20 seconds, which is very disturbing for already anxious new parents. If a baby is discovered to be at risk for this condition, the parents can obtain an alarm that will alert them if and when this happens. CMS pulse oximeters are also available for use at home.

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