How Bingeing Will Help Dieters Lose Weight Faster

It may sound ridiculous, but the occasional bingeing to feed your cravings as a dieter can and most probably will speed up the rate at which you lose weight - or to put it more simply - bingeing will speed up your metabolism.

How does bingeing speed up metabolism?

When you go on a diet your body goes into a state of shock, and interprets this as starving so in order to prevent the body from losing energy and weight your metabolism slows down.

However, by having the odd binge meal once a week, your body realizes you're getting more fuel back into your system, and your normal - or that is to say "previous" rate of metabolism resumes, hence it speeds up again.

Making the psychological battle of a diet easier:

By knowing at specific pre-determined points during your dieting that you're allowed to go out and eat the foods you want, makes the whole journey of dieting that much easier and that much more chance of you succeeding.

You simply have to stick to your healthy low-calorie diet plan and most likely after about five or six days the craving will kick in.

Now you're allowed to have a quick binge to fix that, your metabolic rate will suddenly speed up, and you can then resume your diet plan again.

Bingeing and muscle glycogen levels:

When you hit the gym for strength training to help burn that fat off faster, it's advisable within the first few weeks of a diet not to push too hard as you want maintain your muscle glycogen levels for later in the diet.

When you start a diet however these levels fall quite dramatically and muscle glycogen is the essential energy source during a weight training workout session.

However, when you have the odd binge, you should try consuming foods are high in carbs not fats, as this will then help rebuild muscle glycogen levels faster.

That means higher intensity sessions, faster fat loss and a gradual but natural steady increase in your metabolism.

Bottom line:

Therefore, incorporating the odd binge meal at the right time in your low carb diet plan - normally once a week, will boost your metabolism, increase muscle glycogen levels and overtime, your metabolism will resume a natural rate faster than a fully fledged low carb diet without the bingeing.

Consider also taking an appetite suppressant as well so you don't fall victim to your cravings if they're that intense.

Some of the best weight appetite suppressants to really help curb cravings can be viewed by visiting:

The top 7 Best Appetite Suppressants of 2013

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4 Best Beach Exercises to Blast Off Fat

Want to blast that fat off on the beach on one of the most demanding terrains - the sand?

Well there are 4 excellent beach sports which will shed pounds off you, with the heat and exhaustion making you look more and more toned as you build up your beach stamina.

4 Best Beach Exercises:

1. The Lunge

The lunge is a tricky stretching technique to perform on sand, especially using weights which strengthens the glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves.

By standing upright with your legs shoulder width apart, step forward with one leg and then lower the body keeping your back straight making sure the knee of your front that you have stepped forward, doesn't go past the toes of your front foot.

Stop until your glutes are level with your front knee then raise your body up till you're upright, and then step forward with your back foot.

An excellent exercise for building lower body strength especially on sand.

2. Beach Running

If you're used to running 8 to 10 km's without too much of an issue, when running on sand you will know that it's incredibly more taxing.

Tempting to run barefoot, it's always a good idea to wear some proper light running shoes to avoid rolling your ankles as well as cutting or grazing yourself.

3. Beach Volleyball

Beach volleyball is a tough cardio workout for both upper and lower part of the body.

You work legs like you do with the lunge as well as your core, plus your torso, arms and especially abs.

A tough but great hand-eye co-ordination team sport.

4. Beach Push-Ups

Push-ups themselves take a while to get good at especially if your working your core, as many people tend to lower the top half of the body instead of keeping the core parallel with your head as you raise your body down, and then push your body back up.

With beach push-ups there's no avoiding using your core as the unstable surface will bring it into action.

Avoid doing push-ups from the knees but instead regular push-ups to reap the best results.

Bottom line:

Exercising on sand whatever the sport, beach football, baseball or rugby will all prove much tougher but more rewarding team sports, which will shed pounds faster, speed up metabolism and strengthen the body unlike the challenge of any other terrain.

Be prepared to blast off fat deposits fast!

Additionally, consider using some of the latest weight loss supplements to really help you lose weight faster:

Visit: Best Weightloss Supplements to view the top 7 weightloss pills for 2013.

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3 Best Diet Journal Tips to Lose Weight Super Fast

When it comes to journaling your diet, putting this into practice by creating a brilliant diet journal will inspire you even further, making losing weight that much easier.

Below are considered probably the top 3 motivational dieting tips to add to your diet journal:

1. Diarize your thoughts and feelings:

This is very important and while it may come across as slight self-absorbing, it's important to be critical of your thoughts as in these emotions lies the answer to resolving any issues you may have, plus it also helps you understand the way you were dieting and the way you can change your diet for the long-term.

Take for example when you're feeling sad or lonely and at what time in the day, do you consume more food when you have these feelings as your diet plan will reveal.

If so you need to address these states of emotion and how they can be turned into a positive.

Consider hanging out and catching up with your friends more, or doing something new.

One great place for meeting new folks who have similar interests in your location is

May be it's astrology or animals that you have a fond interest in. This is just one website that you can use to your advantage and develop new friendships and advance your interests.

If however you feel you may need some professional help, don't be afraid to approach your local medical practitioner for advice.

2. Takedown number of Kg's you've lifted each session:

You should take down the amount in weight you've lifted each session and the amounts of reps you've completed.

This is important because you may find that you are now lifting more weights than you previously were, which means your muscle glycogen levels have increased, but you may find that you haven't in fact lost any weight.
Do not worry - the reasons for this are 2 fold.

a. It means that you've gained more leaner muscle mass - you are toning up!

b. A lean muscle mass means you will stay leaner for much longer, making putting on weight that much harder.

3. Take lots of pictures and print them out:

There's nothing like looking at how you looked a week ago and how you look now.

It may sound like a week won't reflect that much, but only we ourselves can see the little positive changes our body is undergoing.

Make sure you do this from the very start and it will provide endless inspiration.

Additionally, consider using some of the latest weight loss supplements to really help you lose weight faster:

Visit: Best Weightloss Supplements to view the top 7 weightloss pills for 2013

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5 Best Energy Foods for Low Calorie Diets

When you hit the ground running with your diet plan, you'll probably notice a sudden dip in your energy levels.

This is normal as your bodies not consuming its usual caloric intake.

However it's more than possible to consume certain foods which will boost that battery right up and don't include any additional calories that will break your daily calorie quota.

Below are considered the best 5 energy foods for dieters to stave off the fatigue and the bingeing by curbing the cravings:

1. Salmon

Salmon is packed with healthy fats, not processed fats.

Healthy fats are essential as they provide the body with a major source of energy.

Bursting with protein, healthy fats and in this case salmon should be included in your diet plan at least twice per week.

2. Quinoa

Quinoa is relatively new to western diets but has been used for generations in South America as a staple means of protein.

Vegetarians will get their most amount of protein from this one natural carbohydrate, far more than you would from brown rice.

3. Bananas

While bananas make you feel full and will help reduce your appetite, they also contain a lot of potassium which is a micronutrient essential for propelling energy levels higher in the body.

Fresh produce in general will contain a lot of natural potassium, so be sure to consume fresh foods daily, to starve off hunger and fatigue.

4. Oats

It's blood glucose levels which determine spikes in your energy levels, from a sudden high to an onset of weariness, keeping blood glucose levels nice and steady is key to maintaining energy levels.

Oats are perfect for this as they are slowly digesting healthy carbohydrates which should not be eliminated from your diet.

Low in sugar, high in fiber, Oatmeal is a good source for getting your fix of oats and it will only take a minute to prepare any number of Oatmeal dishes.

5. Egg whites:

Have you ever noticed why weight lifters consume lots of poultry, especially eggs.

It's the egg whites in this case which are rich in protein but extremely low in calories, containing perhaps only 15% per egg white, but they are a great source of healthy fats, and are excellent at maintaining your lean muscle mass which is why they prove so resourceful for guys down the gym.

Egg whites don't just repair and rebuild muscle, they also make you feel energized after a hard session of strength training.

Bottom line:

If you want to maintain high energy levels but avoid the crashes and the cravings, a staple diet of healthy fats and carbs rich in protein are perfect for low calorie diets.

Additionally, consider using some of the latest weight loss supplements to really help you lose weight faster:

Visit: Best Weightloss Supplements to view the top 7 weightloss pills for 2013

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The Way to Make You Appear Thinner - It's All In the Wrist

When you play basketball, the key to throwing free throws is a simple flick of the wrist that will send the ball sailing through the basketball hoop. This also holds the way to make you appear thinner. No, you don't have to hit the courts and play basketball for 3 hours a day - although that would help to slim you down. The key to making you appear thinner is the wrist - it's all in the wrist.

There are several points on every woman's body that are flattering: the collarbone, the ankles, and the wrist. How do you use your wrist to appear thinner? Well, just like a woman three weeks after her boob job, you gotta flaunt it. You can make several wardrobe choices that will aid in this hedonistic exhibitionism.

  • The 3/4 length sleeve. This sleeve length on a blouse will help you to show off those sexy wrists and give the appearance of a thinner you as well. By showing just a little bit of extra skin, you can slim down the appearance of your body.
  • The bracelet sleeve. The bracelet sleeve is longer than a 3/4 sleeve, but shorter than a full length sleeve. It is meant to be just long enough to be able to show off a gorgeous bracelet. This sleeve length gives just a hint of sleeve
  • Rolled sleeves. This is a styling trick often used on photo shoots. You take the sleeve of a shirt or a jacket and roll it up just enough to show a little wrist. This trick is used often to make models appear even thinner and to add a little oomph to an outfit.
  • Scrunched up sleeves. If it is winter time and you are wearing a cardigan or a turtleneck, it will look ridiculous if you roll up your sleeves, so you can just scrunch them up to your mid-forearm to create a slimming effect.
There are many ways to make you appear thinner and a wardrobe artist knows all of them. The first step is choosing the right items to make the outfit, but the second step is deciding how those items are worn. These tricks of showcasing the wrist are subtle, but can have an unbelievable impact in making a model look more slender and more modern. Next time you get dress and wonder, what ways will make you appear thinner, remember one of the best free throw shooters in the league, José Calderón. Then whisper, "It's all in the wrist.", as you adjust your sleeves in the mirror.

Aisha Jones is a wardrobe artist and creator of Style Recipe Cards. Get her FREE 7-PART COURSE
"How to go from Plain Jane to Captivating & Chic" at

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Smart Eating And Weight Loss

The pounds have piled up; the pants are getting too tight. It is high time to start losing off the extra weight. Planning right from the beginning makes it easier to succeed in your weight loss plans.

Keep track of what you eat and the type of exercise you do every single day. Write everything down in your journal. This gets things organized and you will be better motivated to continue on.

Cooking your own meals let you have total control over what to put into your body. No more extra oily, salty or sweet food from cafes and restaurants to tempt you and make you stray from your diet. Get some good cookbooks promoting healthy weight loss recipes, some basic cookware and you are well on your way to healthy cooking. You might be pleasantly surprised at the results.

When shopping for groceries, be sure to check the calories count and list of ingredients listed on the food packages. Do not be misled by advertisements such as natural, sugar-free and non-fried. Look at the fine prints. Every little bit counts towards your weight loss goals.

Eat smaller portions at each meal. Invest in smaller size plates to make sure you are not tempted to eat more. Less food on a bigger plate might give you the impression that you are not eating enough and end up taking more food. Just make sure you are having well-balanced meals, even though smaller portions.

The occasional deviation from your diet is no big deal. Being too strict might lead to stress and this is not good for your weight loss plans. You might get so frustrated and just give up. Stress can also lead to binge eating.

Sticking to the same old food day in and day out can be boring and uninspiring. Try healthy food from around the world right at home. Some of them can be easy to cook in your home kitchen.

Eating your main meals in front of the TV, work table or computer screen is a typical bad habit among some of us. It is difficult to be eating healthily this way and besides it is bad for your digestion. If you must be munching on some food while working, munch on carrot sticks instead.

Poor food choices, unhealthy snacks and too much fast and processed food not only lead to an expanding waistline but also clogged arteries. Taking control of the way you eat can lead to positive weight loss and a healthy body.

Do visit the site and get these beautiful safe cookware as companions in your healthy weight loss diet plans.

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Ideas on How to Lose 10 Pounds of Weight in a Week

There is always a need to for some to lose weight or just keeping the weight off. A gym might be a good place where you would be given the know-how to do this.

There are many diets that would offer you the weight loss that you want. The best offers are usually those that have a number attached to it. For example an offer such as: how to lose 10 pounds in a week.

It is often worked out based on the calorie intake. Some of these measured programs that would promise you, for example, how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, would deal with your diet. It is important to work out the process of a low-calorie diet.

Based on the kind of time frame you place upon your weight loss program, for example, how to lose weight in one week, you might want to start by understanding your basal metabolic rate. This type of diet has to do with counting the calories. You should also realize that there are differences between male and female calorie intake.

In order for you to start correctly as well as staying on track, it would be best to get a professional to calculate your metabolic rate (BMR). The reason for this is that you need your lean body mass to calculate your BMR. It will help with your program of how to lose 10 pounds in a week.

It is important to know how many calories you need to consume to know how to lose 10 pounds in a week. The main concern is also that you should know that your calorie intake should be that of 1500 calories for men and 1200 calories for women. This has to be on a daily basis.

It is important that with your program, how to lose 10 pounds in a week, you need to eat properly and this is where the calorie intake is important. However, it is even more necessary to burn those calories in order to loose the weight. This would involve taking part in activities to do so.

If it is possible, you should join a gym where you can be given the know-how on how to lose 10 pounds in a week. They will assist you with a program on how to burn these calories in a week or any other program in which you would like to participate.

By joining a gym, you would also be motivated to on how to lose 10 pounds in a week. At a gym, it would also be more fun if you join others who have the same goals.

Get More information about How to lose 10 pounds in a week

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Tea Tone Plus Review

Tea Tone Plus is one of the latest dietary supplements which works on 3 fronts:

1. It burns fat deposits

2. It binds to fats preventing absorption

3. It curbs your appetite

Manufactured by RDA pharmaceuticals in FDA registered labs in the U.S, Tea Tone Plus is made with 100% organic ingredients which include the following ingredients:


Each supplement pill contains a mixture of the following 3 fat burning ingredients, Oolong Tea extract, Green Select Phytosome and Pu-erh extract, totaling a volume of 800mg.

Oolong Tea Extract:

Tea Tone Plus contains the important ingredient Oolong tea, which on the one hand helps stimulate the fat burning process but also restricts the absorption of fat into our body.

It firstly speeds up the rate at which you burn fat by stimulating lipolysis, which controls how fast fat is broken down and distributed to other parts of the body to provide energy, and it blocks the lipase enzyme, responsible for breaking down fat upon consumption.

Green Select Phytosome:

The biological name for Green tea, it's been well publicized over the last few years in the West the effect Green tea has on fat cells which are difficult to metabolize.

Clinical trials are varied, but the common school of thought is that in part to its highly concentrated caffeine content, it naturally instructs the break down of fat cells and restricts your hunger.

Pu-erh Extract:

Fatty acid synthesis is a process that instructs weight loss. Pu-erh extract helps support this while stimulating the nervous system to emit more energy, hence it increases your metabolism.

Clinical Trials

Tea Tone Plus base their clinical trials on those conducted on Oolong tea and Green tea.

They argue that in order to get maximum return from their fat burning qualities, it's much more beneficial to take both essential ingredients instead of just the one.

This synergistic effect is why Tea Tone Plus includes the third fat burning ingredient Pu-erh, to maximize its strength.

However, the "Plus" in the name refers to its fourth ingredient:


Razberi-K (Raspberry ketone) is the "trademarked" extract derived from the red raspberry, and it's the specific hormone norepinephrine which it includes into their fat burning supplement.

Norepinephrine is a hormone that plays a key part in signaling the breakdown of fat cells.

The famous celebrity doctor in the United States - Dr Oz, is one of the advocates of Raspberry ketone, noting its ability to minimize the absorption of fat when consumed and also the effect it has on the liver, citing it helps restrict fat deposits in this organ.

There are a number of additional raspberry ketone endorsements, which can be viewed on the official Tea Tone Plus website.

Tea Tone Plus Benefits:

Without over hyping how the ingredients of Tea Tone Plus can benefit you, here's a general breakdown of what the manufacturers FDK purport:

  • 100% naturally organic - no additives, chemicals or preservatives.
  • It's a fat binder - limiting the breakdown of fats which then pass through your body.
  • It's a fat burner - it specifically targets fat deposits which are difficult to breakdown.
  • It's an appetite suppressant - it restricts your hunger.
  • High anti-oxidant count - beneficial to ward off ailments.
  • Increases metabolism - instructs the body to expend more energy.
  • Body detox - rids the body of toxins in the digestive system.
  • No side effects - absolutely no treatment effects to this fat loss supplement.
Tea Tone Negatives:

  • It's not a carb blocker or binder - it won't bind or block unhealthy carbs entering the body.
  • May not differentiate between good and bad fats - not all fats are unhealthy and its ability to choose between the two is not clear.
  • Appetite suppressant ingredients - it's unclear what ingredients are used to restrict your appetite.
Tea Tone Plus Review Bottom line:

Tea Tone Plus is one of the very few fat burning supplements to contain raspberry ketone, and this may be one reason in particular to test this latest 4 in 1 weight loss pill.

For some of the latest weight loss supplements to really help you lose weight faster:

Visit: Best Weightloss Supplements to view the top 7 weightloss pills for 2013.

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The Weight Loss Program For Your Individual Needs

So you have accepted the fact that you must lose weight now. The next step is to find the best way to go about it. With the hard and fast rules that exist in many weight loss programs the required change in lifestyle can seem incredibly daunting. However, with a professional, effective diet plan things are made a little bit easier especially one that promotes a stress free, relaxed approach which will not come as such a shock to your system.

If you have been inactive for some time, starting an intensive exercise regime could do more harm than good. For this reason it is recommended that you obtain the advice of your doctor before beginning any form of exercise. The advice will generally be to take things easy initially and have check ups on a regular basis. These early visits to your doctor will ensure that consultations for more serious matters could become history.

Although the most efficient weight loss programs have to be flexible and suit every individual, it should be seen as a new way of life and not just a way to lose those unwanted pounds so that you revert back to your old habits when your desired weight is reached. Your goal should be to reach your perfect weight and remain at it, not the weight that the charts indicate but the weight that you feel most comfortable with. If you are truthful to yourself carrying an extra twenty or thirty pounds around your midsection is far from ideal and by losing it, the ability to carry out many of the mundane tasks in life would become much easier.

A great deal of the actions of the human body are carried out with the use of the back and stomach. When your stomach increases in size even the task of tying shoe laces can become extremely difficult. The advantages of reducing the size of your stomach are that you become more flexible with less pressure being placed upon the spine. In addition, with an improvement in posture this will result in a healthier circulation system thus allowing the blood to flow to your vital organs much easier as compression on your heart decreases.

It is not about spending endless time in the gym but a realistic change in your lifestyle is essential to improve your quality of life. A gradual change in the way you conduct yourself could save you the uncertainty of numerous visits to the hospital and endless courses of medication. This is why the Anything Goes Diet plan is in place to make a difference to you and your life and offers an alternative way to remain there.

Losing weight can be extremely stressful if you don't choose the correct weight loss program. So find out the most relaxed and stress-free way to reduce your weight by visiting

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Is Your Current Thinking Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Success?

With as many as two thirds of us overweight to one degree or another we try different diets and exercise programs without much success. In fact, 95 percent of all diet plans fail to get the people that embark on them any significant weight loss for the long-term.

Many of these people start these programs and very often get some results in the short term.

Unfortunately, however most of these same people end up just a few days/weeks later falling off the weight loss wagon because they are not prepared mentally for the changes they need to make to their lifestyle to maintain their new found weight loss.

To succeed in anything, your head has to be in good shape. You need to believe - and keep on believing - that the changes you need to make are worthwhile. Even the very best diet or exercise program will fail if you haven't fully accepted the life and body changes you need to make to become a slim person.

What happens is without some new inner mind programming nothing has changed on the inside so what happens is that any junk thinking you may be harbouring will derail you time and time again no matter how many diet plans you begin. Mainstream weight loss systems do not take this into account and they can only give you results while you are on the program. But they don't tell you HOW to slick to the program long term and your inner programming is in charge of this.

If you want to succeed at weight loss, you need to cut the "mental fat", and that will lead to cutting the "waistline fat". To do that you need to get to know YOU on a deeper level and look at the patterns and habits in your life that you are dragging around with you that get in the way of your own success.

What is your junk thinking doing to your good intentions?

We can easily build up this 'junk thinking' with misinformation and inherited wisdom about nutrition, dieting and what proper exercise REALLY means. We get all this stuff spinning around in our head mixed together with some plain old self-delusion and 'bingo' we have a recipe for getting and staying stuck in an overweight, unhealthy and unhappy body. That slim, fit, healthy body that we really want remains frustratingly out of reach.

But we can change the way we think so we can 'get out of our own way' and achieve the weight loss success that would be life-changing for us. First, we need to identify the thoughts, feelings, emotions and self-beliefs that are causing the roadblock and change them so they no longer sabotage us at every turn. Then we need to replace them with ones that will serve us better. Only then will you be programmed for getting that new slim body and the good health that goes along with it... permanently...

Once you have dropped new thoughts and ideas into your head you will be amazed at how quickly they take root and little by little you begin to make better food choices, eat less overall and even enjoy exercise.

Losing weight will then happen on autopilot, you will not even need a diet plan. You already know what foods to eat and what foods to avoid and it is simply a matter of allowing that to happen but without the self-sabotage that you normally experience.

Imagine how good it will feel to reclaim that slim trim body? Well, you can have this simply by overwriting old negative mind programming and installing new programming into your subconscious mind that will lead you to the body of your dreams. Sounds easy doesn't it? Well it is, and it works like a treat, and once you get started you will be so grateful to have its power working for you to achieve what you desire.

The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.

You can download that report here:

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Badminton Is More Than Just a Fabulous Weight Loss Exercise

Playing badminton can be a fantastic weight loss exercise.

You can find a badminton court in a public parks, as well as indoor community centers.

Use a special racquet to hit the ball, known as a birdie, over a volleyball net.

Otherwise, you can simply thump it back and forth with a friend or two.

Fortunately, badminton has several health benefits for your entire body.

To begin, anyone can play badminton for an easy workout routine.

Regardless of your age or sex, numerous calories can be burned with the light workout.

Little children can start playing against their grandparents, while Mom and Dad go head-to-head with one another.

Playing badminton, you get to run up and down your court.

You jump up high and bend down low to hit the birdie.

Your body has to be quick and flexible, with good hand-eye coordination.

Besides burning calories, the consecutive movements give your legs and buttocks a good workout.

At the same time, swinging your racquet exercises your arms, shoulders, stomach and back.

Before you know it, your hope body will benefit from better coordination and core stability.

Your entire body can grow more firm and attractive.

Playing badminton can actually reduce your high blood pressure, lowering your chances of heart disease.

Your body can defend itself against nasty hypertension without prescription medications.

Playing the game, you can strengthen your heart, while keeping your blood vessels clear.

Whether you are suffering from high blood pressure, or simply trying to prevent it, badminton is a great exercise.

Some people enjoy the social life that the sport can bring.
Gyms often host leagues, tournaments, charities and parties for you to spend quality time with friends, as well as meet other men and women with similar interests.

So don't sit on the couch alone and watch a television program about losing belly fat.

Get out there and socialize in an organized badminton league.

Enjoying badminton can also do wonders for balancing out your cholesterol levels.

The game can actually help you lower your amount of bad cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins (LDL), while increasing the good cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

In other words, your body will be better defended against enlarged arteries that can cause lethal heart attacks.

If you are suffering from osteoporosis, you can also benefit from badminton.

The sport can actually assist your body's cells in forming strong bones.

Calcium can be better absorbed, and both breaks and fractures can be prevented. As a direct result, your bones can grow much more durable from playing the game.

Of course, the most favored benefit of playing badminton is always quick weight loss.

Hundreds of unwanted calories can be burned with all of the physical movements involved with the sport.

 Just don't eat more than you can burn off in order to get skinny.

You can work up quite a nice sweat too.

This is why it is always important to keep yourself fully hydrated with plenty of drinking water around your badminton court.

You can keep score and place fun little bets with your spouse, if not your buddies.

Whether you are on the sand at the local beach, or inside an air conditioned gym, playing badminton can be a marvelous weight loss exercise.

Since I reached my forties, my metabolism has slowed down. In other words, I got fat.

It was embarrassing.

So I decided to ask my family doctor how to lose weight fast? He suggested powerful HCG Injections to quickly lose belly fat.

He also suggested participating in a fun weight loss exercise, such as badminton. That certainly sounds easy enough. Thanks Doc!
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Best Tips on Weight Loss

Obesity is one of the biggest problems among a large number of people.

The people who are overweight usually suffer from different types of diseases that are caused by the accumulation of unhealthy fat in the body, especially in the tummy.

So, in order to free yourself from these diseases, you need to lose weight immediately.

You can find a number of weight loss tips but the important thing is that you have to follow the tips seriously in order to get quick result.

The beginning of any weight loss journey is to know what the best ways to lose weight are. You need to know exactly what all you will have to do to get rid of unwanted body fat.

It is also important for you to stay motivated if you want to lose your body fat quickly. The best way to lose weight quickly is to burn more calories each day than what you consume. These are few of the best and effective ways to lose weight:
Change your eating habits- The best and the most effective tip for weight loss is to change your eating habits.

You need to get rid of all your bad habits. You will have to stop eating all types of fattening foods like fast foods and junk foods.

Eat 5-6 times a day- It is true that a healthy eating habit is one of the effective ways to lose weight.

However, we should keep in mind that a healthy food can pile up calories much faster.

So it is advisable that instead of taking regular three meals a day, you take your food in five or six small portions.

Exercise- Exercising is the best way to lose weight quickly while building lean muscle and improving your vitality.

The best method to lose weight quickly is combining a healthy eating habit with regular exercises.

Drink lots of water- Drink lots of water because water acts as a fuel to your body and it can burn your body fat much faster.

Drink eight or more than eight glasses of water daily so that your body can flush out toxins thereby strengthening your muscles. It is also preferable to drink a glass of water 30-40 minutes before having your meals.

These are the simple and effective tips for weight loss.

 You should keep in mind that you don't get discouraged if your tummy fat doesn't burn off initially.

 If you follow these tips with determination then you will definitely lose your weight in a short span of time.

With the best, for more information

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Weight Loss by Removing Sugar From Your Diet

I have started a weight loss program and one of the things that the company recommends is for those that are looking to lose the maximum amount of weight during the first 30 days of the program that they abstain from consuming sugar and sugar substitutes.

It is very interesting to think that you can achieve weight loss by removing sugar from your diet and yet here I am after one week of having nothing with sugar, including fruit, and I have lost roughly one pound per day.

Am I suggesting that your results will be the same as my results if you remove sugar from your diet?
I couldn't possibly have the answer to that because I am not a doctor.

With that being said, let me tell you what I am so that you can understand why I am taking the time to share my experiences with you.

I am a person that was diagnosed in 2012 as being pre-diabetic.

What this means is that I was already beginning to lose my ability to process sugar.

It was a frightening revelation because I had witnessed those I loved in the past becomes ravaged by this condition and I was dangerously close to walking in their shoes.

When I learned this information I went through the normal stages of grief but once those passed I resolved to make changes in my life. I started making small changes and went back again 6 months later to be retested.

The results were the same. My efforts had failed. Later, I was determined to find the solution to my problem and the only answer coming to me from my primary physician was "lose weight".

If you have weight issues you know that this comment is frustrating. It is frustrating because it doesn't give you any answers, not really.

I went out in search of answers from numerous health professionals and I discovered a common theme... sugar.

 Sugar is in a lot of food items, more than I had thought originally and I was not naive to how much sugar I was consuming. It turned out I was mistaken about a few of the changes I had made. With this new weight loss program I am eating 5 meals a day and I am eating good tasting food.

The only difference is I have significantly reduced the amount of sugar I am taking in each day.

I found it interesting to see the pounds starting to melt away so effortlessly once I modified my diet to exclude sugars and sugar substitutes.

I have learned now from my own personal experience that you can lose weight by removing sugar from your diet.

To learn more about weight loss, including tips, resources, supplements and more visit my blog at:
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Simple Weight Loss Tips: How to Be Successful On Your Journey Toward Good Health

Many people have the best of intentions when it comes to weight loss, but they never really get invested in the process because they feel it will be too difficult or that it will eat up too much of their free time. Although to a certain extent this is true (weight loss is not easy, by any means), it is possible to start an effective weight loss regimen that does not make you feel like everything else in your life has to come second.

The following tips will point out a few simple ways that you can shed your extra weight and keep it off.

Rather than focusing on what you can't eat, keep your mind on what you CAN eat.

Start adding fruits and vegetables to your diet that you really like; for example, edamame makes a great snack and cherries can help satisfy your sweet tooth after a healthy lunch.

It is, of course, important to be mindful of the amount of calories that you are eating each day, but as long as what you are adding is healthy, you shouldn't have much of a problem. And, hopefully, once you have these extra foods in your diet, you be less likely to overindulge on junk food and other sweets.

Don't worry about working out, per se. You don't have to go to the gym to get into shape.

Think about what you like to do that involves physical activity. For example, gardening is a great workout, as is taking a walk on the beach.

Playing catch in the yard with your children allows you to get fresh air, bond and increase your heart rate all at the same time.

Be creative; you can burn calories by doing things that you enjoy, as long as you are motivated to get up and get moving.

Walk as much as possible.

If you have a riding lawn mower, get one that you have to push. If you are heading to the mall, park at the back of the lot and make sure you walk around the length of the mall a few extra times.

Always choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Finally, turn the music on and dance while you are doing chores; you'd be surprised how tired you will feel at the end of your "workout" session! Every little thing that you do makes a difference; think through how you can add extra steps to your day.

You can also try to add on a short daily walk every evening to round things out. Before you know it, you will be exercising for 30 minutes a day without every really thinking about it.

Weight loss is a little bit of an intimidating concept, but it shouldn't be.

There are a lot of ways to add activity into your day that don't require the use of a gym. In addition, you don't have to deprive yourself of food in order to slim down.

Simply use the tips above, and you will slowly find yourself getting more in shape.
weight loss
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Sleep and Weight Loss

Are you getting enough sleep?  Did you know that sleep and weight loss are linked?
Several studies have linked sleep and weight loss.

If you sleep less than six hours a night, you increase your chances of being overweight or obese.

 The consequences of being obese are significant.
Obesity is strongly related to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even some cancers.

Which comes first? Does the lack of sleep lead to obesity or does obesity lead to a lack of sleep? It turns out they feed off of each other.

  • A lack of sleep increases your time awake and therefore increases your chances of eating. Unless you sleep walk, you can't eat while you are sleeping. The midnight snack was invented by people who were awake at midnight.
  • Sleeping less may affect hormones that monitor feelings of hunger and fullness. If your body's signaling devices are telling you that you're hungry more often or affecting when you feel full, you will find it more difficult to eat and drink fewer calories.
  • A lack of sleep may lower a person's basal metabolic rate so that they burn fewer calories than a similar person who sleeps more. That's right! Your body is slowing down in it's bid to recover from the previous day with inadequate sleep.
  • Sleeping deprivation lowers your energy during the day which will lower your desire to exercise. Who wants to exercise when they can barely keep their eyes open or when they would rather take a nap on the couch because they didn't get enough sleep?
  • Unfortunately, your weight gain may hinder your sleep. The excess weight can inhibit your breathing and lower the amount of oxygen you get as you sleep. Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea are more common in obese people than in normal weight persons. Sleep apnea is a disorder that can lead to heart and lung issues.
You may have created a vicious circle.

You gain weight as you get less sleep and you find it more difficult to sleep as you gain weight.

What can you do about? Below are five tips that may help you sleep more than seven hours a night.
  1. Don't drink caffeine, eat chocolates or eat foods high in sugar after 2:00 in the afternoon. Yes 2:00 PM is arbitrary. Experiment with a cutoff time, but remember, caffeine and sugars will keep you awake.
  2. Don't watch television in bed and turn off your computer and cell phone an hour before going to sleep. Sound and visual stimuli bombard us. It is difficult to rest when your brain is still wired to your electronics. Turn them off and either read, talk or meditate.
  3. Experiment with when you exercise. Try it in the morning and see if it increases your energy and helps you sleep. Or try it at night after dinner and see if that helps with sleep. Either way, exercise as it will use energy, burn calories and reduce stress.
  4. Don't sleep in on weekends. If you can stay consistent with your sleep times on weekends, you will have a better chance of getting to sleep on Sunday night.

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