What You Need To Know About Audiology

By Rosella Campbell

The human anatomy is made up of so many parts that have unique functions. All of these organs are very important to system functions. One of such organs is the human ear, which is of utmost essence for the accomplishment of very important tasks whether at home, in school, or at work.

The ears are the auditory main organs. Even before man is born, these organs have already developed. He can already hear the world outside the womb. As man grows, he also relies heavily upon listening. These organs never sleep even when one already does, which is why strange noises wake you up in the middle of the night. These keep you safe, by hearing signs of danger even before your eyes perceive it. They also assist in your sense of balance. They are so reliable that one really cannot afford to lose his or her sense of audition, hence, one should visit Maryland audiology at the earliest sign of an impending problem.

Audiology comes from two different words of different origins. It is a combination of the Latin word audire and Greek logia which pertains to that particular branch of science that studies hearing and balance and other related ear disorders. The practitioners of this branch of scientific knowledge are known as audiologists.

Some people often confuse an audiologist with an ENT doctor or an otolryngologist. These are two very different professionals. The ENT is actually trained in the medical treatment and diagnosis of problems not only of the ear, but also the nose, the larynx or voice box, the throat, and even the head and the neck. He is tasked to deal with the medical side, such as a perforated eardrum or a tumor.

The audiologist, on the other hand, is a trained expert who is educated to identify diminished hearing causes and treat it. He is also the doctor to turn to when you are in need of hearing aids or other devices that assist listening. He handles the non medical side of most hearing problems.

There are many signs that you should go see an audiologist. For starters, you should undergo hearing evaluation if you have difficulty hearing over the telephone. If you often ask the one on the other end to raise his or her voice or if you often ask him or her to repeat statements, you should go see a professional.

Another sign of hearing impairment is the inability to tune out sounds that flood the environment. If you cannot follow conversations when people all started speaking at once, then you should consider having your ears checked. Inability to distinguish origins of sounds is also a reason.

There are also special cases wherein the ear is also affected. One is when you are administered ototoxic drugs to cure a disease. These medications have auditory damaging powers as a form of side effect, so you should have your ears monitored if you are subjected to one.

Another reason to monitor the ear is due to a history of inner ear disease. If you have had brush ups with ear infections, you may need to go visit an expert for the early detection of possible problems. Exposure to extremely loud noises can also be contributory.

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