Possible Ways To Reverse MS

By Sherry Gross

The human body is a marvel. It is free standing, and all parts all work together in simultaneous harmony to allow for one fully functioning human. It even has natural protective measures that ward off alien invaders from attacking the system. This team of natural body soldiers comprise the immune system of the human anatomy.

The human immune system is an amazing protective mechanism. It defends you against bacteria, parasites, viruses, and other microbial organisms that can enter and take over your body. Healthy diet and an active lifestyle can make your immunity stronger, but there are times when your own system attacks you. This is called autoimmunity, and is the leading cause for diseases like Reverse MS, lupus, and others.

Autoimmune diseases are very hard to cure. A very known example is multiple sclerosis. In this condition, the immune system mistake the brain and the spinal cord for harmful matter and attacks them. These two are very essential in daily functions, so when they incur damages, it may be detrimental to daily activities. The build up of scars in the brain can hinder most functions and can even cause physical, mental, and even psychiatric difficulties.

Multiple sclerosis is an example of an autoimmune disease. Lesions or scars build up uncontrollably in your brain that hinders its efficient functioning. The myelin sheath that covers most nerve endings for optimal conduction of impulses is also damaged, which results in the difficulty for the brain to successfully issue commands throughout the body.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis actually varies form one person to the next. The damaged nerve signals can cause debilitating signs in an affected person like walking and coordination problems. The affected individual will inevitably have poor control of muscular functions because the commands from the brain cannot reach the intended part. Added symptoms include numbness or pins and needles.

Eye related problems are also linked to MS. This is because the lesions are somehow affecting the white matter in the optic nerves which allows one to perceive sight. If the illness progresses without any attempts to reverse it, the patient may ultimately lose control of all his or her muscles and will even have bladder and bowel control difficulties.

Experts cannot really say what exactly causes multiple sclerosis, despite all the possible advancement. However, they are firm to stand by the verdict that it can be caused by genetic problems and environmental factors. They are said to be caused by a very unhealthy lifestyle as well as the continued exposure to unbearable stress.

Patients afflicted with MS are, of the present, made to intake drugs that are believe to counter or slow down its effects. This is not applicable for everyone, however, as there is a large number of MS patients who do not respond to the said medication. Instead, they are turning into a new diet that was introduced by a well known doctor who has also been diagnosed with the said disease.

The paleo diet mimics the usual diet of the early men. This nutritional approach works with your genetics to help you stay fit. It is also known to fight MS, diabetes, and other serious conditions.

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