With spring in the air, now is the perfect time to commit to losing weight and choosing a healthy lifestyle.
But, did you know that getting healthy and losing weight is more than just an external process? But focusing on the physical process alone often leaves you with a sense of disconnection with your mental self-image.
Have you ever walked past a mirror and caught a glimpse of yourself out of the corner of your eye - and did a double take because you couldn't believe that was you? Have you ever looked at photographs of yourself and gasped because you didn't realize you looked "like that"? These "mental jolts" take place when there is a gap between your outer appearance and your mental perception of yourself.
Weight loss is not just a physical process. You also need to "shed" the limited self-image that you have become accustomed to seeing in your mind. One of the easiest ways to do this is by visualizing the person you are becoming. The act of will familiarize your mind with the new person you are becoming. The more comfortable you can get with your beautiful new self-image, the more easily you will transition to your new physical state of being.
I have some homework for you... Tonight, spend some time creating a mental image of the person you wish to be.
As part of your transformation, you may think that losing weight will finally make you feel attractive, but you don't have to wait until you are thin to boost your confidence. Below are two easy ways to give you an inner radiance that will translate out to an outer glow and instantly boost your attraction level.
Don't wait until you've lost weight to allow yourself to feel happy. Be happy now! That may sound like a hard thing to do; how can you be happy when you're miserable about the way you look and feel? Easy - by choosing it! Believe it or not, happiness is a choice that you make moment to moment every day of your life, and it is not based on outer qualities. Be happy while striving to improve yourself and your life.
True self-love (not vanity) is another sure way to make every day, write down three things that you love about yourself, and try to choose different things each day. For example, on Day One you might write, "I truly love my sense of humor, my eyes and my creativity." Be sure to really FEEL love and appreciation for yourself, rather than just thinking the thoughts. On Day Two choose three completely different things. It may be awkward to think this way at first, but eventually you will get better at thinking and saying nice things about yourself.
Incorporating these simple tips into your daily habit will strengthen your inner transformation and help solidify your physical changes. You will transform into a happy, lovable, attractive person - both inside and out - that will take your breath away!
If you find yourself still struggling with your weight loss, hypnosis can be especially beneficial to your journey.
But, did you know that getting healthy and losing weight is more than just an external process? But focusing on the physical process alone often leaves you with a sense of disconnection with your mental self-image.
Have you ever walked past a mirror and caught a glimpse of yourself out of the corner of your eye - and did a double take because you couldn't believe that was you? Have you ever looked at photographs of yourself and gasped because you didn't realize you looked "like that"? These "mental jolts" take place when there is a gap between your outer appearance and your mental perception of yourself.
Weight loss is not just a physical process. You also need to "shed" the limited self-image that you have become accustomed to seeing in your mind. One of the easiest ways to do this is by visualizing the person you are becoming. The act of will familiarize your mind with the new person you are becoming. The more comfortable you can get with your beautiful new self-image, the more easily you will transition to your new physical state of being.
I have some homework for you... Tonight, spend some time creating a mental image of the person you wish to be.
- See yourself as slim, fit, healthy, and strong as you want to be, and put as much detail as you can into the vision.
- Love and appreciate this new and improved version of yourself, and then make an effort to BE this person in all of your daily activities.
- Think, speak and act like this person would think, speak and act.
- Move the way this person would move.
As part of your transformation, you may think that losing weight will finally make you feel attractive, but you don't have to wait until you are thin to boost your confidence. Below are two easy ways to give you an inner radiance that will translate out to an outer glow and instantly boost your attraction level.
Don't wait until you've lost weight to allow yourself to feel happy. Be happy now! That may sound like a hard thing to do; how can you be happy when you're miserable about the way you look and feel? Easy - by choosing it! Believe it or not, happiness is a choice that you make moment to moment every day of your life, and it is not based on outer qualities. Be happy while striving to improve yourself and your life.
True self-love (not vanity) is another sure way to make every day, write down three things that you love about yourself, and try to choose different things each day. For example, on Day One you might write, "I truly love my sense of humor, my eyes and my creativity." Be sure to really FEEL love and appreciation for yourself, rather than just thinking the thoughts. On Day Two choose three completely different things. It may be awkward to think this way at first, but eventually you will get better at thinking and saying nice things about yourself.
Incorporating these simple tips into your daily habit will strengthen your inner transformation and help solidify your physical changes. You will transform into a happy, lovable, attractive person - both inside and out - that will take your breath away!
If you find yourself still struggling with your weight loss, hypnosis can be especially beneficial to your journey.
If you'd like to learn more about how hypnosis can help, please contact Verena Martin at (704) 550-1201 or
email verena@southparkhypnosis.com.
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email verena@southparkhypnosis.com.
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