Back pain, especially that located in the lumbar region of the spine, is a relatively common occurrence. A Memphis chiropractor reports seeing that type of injury most frequently. Over seven million individuals are disabled and unable to work due to that condition. The category, back pain, is a broad one. However, the lower back is hurt most often.
Automobile accidents cause this type of pain, along with muscle strain resulting from other injuries. The most common, however, is sports related accidents. The professional athletes have their injuries reported in the news. However, it is the person who plays infrequently who is most at risk. Due to the lack of conditioning, he or she is more easily hurt.
The spine is a complicated structure consisting of 41 vertebrae, the small, hollow bones, which encase the spinal cord. Of these, nine are fused. The five located in the lumbar region are most often injured. When one of these bones is out of place, it may put pressure on a nerve, causing the painful condition.
This is often referred to as a pinched nerve. In chiropractic terms, it is referred to as a subluxation. Gentle adjustments can be made to gradually move the vertebra back into a correctly aligned position.
However, first an evaluation must be made. This is achieved through a question and answer session to determine the exact location of the hurt and how severe it is. Next a physical exam of the spine is conducted. In some cases, an x-ray is helpful in making a determination.
Following the evaluation, your Memphis chiropractor can schedule one or more adjustments to correct the misalignment. People respond at various rates, however, some relief is often felt after the first few adjustments. The ultimate goal is to return the individual to his or her former level of function, allowing for a return to work and the recreational activities previously enjoyed.
Automobile accidents cause this type of pain, along with muscle strain resulting from other injuries. The most common, however, is sports related accidents. The professional athletes have their injuries reported in the news. However, it is the person who plays infrequently who is most at risk. Due to the lack of conditioning, he or she is more easily hurt.
The spine is a complicated structure consisting of 41 vertebrae, the small, hollow bones, which encase the spinal cord. Of these, nine are fused. The five located in the lumbar region are most often injured. When one of these bones is out of place, it may put pressure on a nerve, causing the painful condition.
This is often referred to as a pinched nerve. In chiropractic terms, it is referred to as a subluxation. Gentle adjustments can be made to gradually move the vertebra back into a correctly aligned position.
However, first an evaluation must be made. This is achieved through a question and answer session to determine the exact location of the hurt and how severe it is. Next a physical exam of the spine is conducted. In some cases, an x-ray is helpful in making a determination.
Following the evaluation, your Memphis chiropractor can schedule one or more adjustments to correct the misalignment. People respond at various rates, however, some relief is often felt after the first few adjustments. The ultimate goal is to return the individual to his or her former level of function, allowing for a return to work and the recreational activities previously enjoyed.
About the Author:
Chiropractic care helps relieve knee, spine and shoulder pain safely and effectively. Click here for more information about an experienced Memphis chiropractor at now.
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